3 Critical Components Of A Quality Home Window Film Installation, home window film installation in Springfield, Missouri

3 Critical Components Of A Quality Home Window Film Installation

By | Home

Benjamin Franklin once famously said “The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.” More appropriate words cannot be said as it relates to having the windows tinted or filmed in your home. We wanted to write this article to shed some light on 3 very critical components of a quality home window film installation, not as a way to try and point you toward our company, but to equip you with information to make a good decision about who you entrust with this project.

  1. wo Critical Components Of A Quality Home Window Film Installation, home window film installationQuality of Window Film Being Used – Like most things in life, window film / tint comes in a wide range of technologies and quality levels. It is critical when comparing different window film offerings that you understand the underlying product that will be used. First, let’s discuss quality. Window film is produced in various areas around the world at drastically differing quality levels. The construction of the film and the adhesive that holds it to the windows are where the rubber meets the road. The issue is that they all may look very similar the day you install them. Problems can arise if the film begins to fade, change color, delaminate, etc after a few years. Worse yet, it can begin to lose adhesion to the glass and bubble. You may have seen a window with film installed with this unfortunate problem.
  2. Technology of Window Film Being Used – Now, let’s look into the technology of the film being used. Some films are basic metal technology (cheapest cost), they may give some performance but may not have the desired appearance. Others are high tech infrared filtering films (more expensive cost) that not only look great but also block a great deal of heat. It is important that you know what technology the films are so you can truly compare apples to apples.
  3. Expertise of the Installation Technician – It goes without saying that this one makes a huge difference. Just like the skill of the person that cuts your hair, does your taxes or builds a home, experience matters. It is a safe assumption that people in skilled trades, like window film installation, get better over time and with the number of windows they have installed on. A good installer can take sub-standard film and make it look pretty good. A mediocre installer can use the very best film and still may produce a sub-standard result. There is simply no getting around the fact that the expertise of the installer plays a huge role in how well the final outcome of a window tint installation will be.

We hope this brief article will help you make a good choice with regard to a home window film installation. To learn more about the residential window films we offer, click HERE. If you have any questions or would like to arrange for a free, no obligation consultation and quote, please contact Custom Shade today by calling (417) 823-8715 or fill out a form HERE. We are located in Springfield, Missouri and cover the surrounding area.

School Security Vulnerabilities - Window Retrofit Targets Weakness - Safety and Security Window Film in Springfield, Missouri

School Security Vulnerabilities – Window Retrofit Targets Weakness

By | Commercial

As children across the country begin heading back to school full time, a mainstay of the news has become school safety and what can be done to protect students and staff. While a great deal of the safety is focused on COVID related modifications, many of the upgrades being discussed and implemented across the country also have to do with school security vulnerabilities as it relates to student safety.

It is very unfortunate that physical school security has become a primary topic of conversation, but it is part of the reality of the world in 2022. It sometimes is difficult to discuss school security and student safety strategies without appearing to have an agenda or be trying to sell something. While we are sensitive to this, we also feel that it is important to share information that can have a positive impact on potential incidents in the future. This article is designed to illuminate the topic of glass being one of the greatest school safety vulnerabilities.

School Security Vulnerabilities - Window Retrofit Addresses Weakness 2Liz Crawford wrote a piece recently titled “Is Your Child’s School Safe? Examining The Top 3 School Safety Vulnerabilities“. In this article, she noted glass as being one of the top three vulnerabilities because of the extensive use of tempered glass in schools. She, along with Craig Gundry, Vice President with Critical Intervention Services, discussed and said “Another common security vulnerability in schools is extensive use of tempered glass glazing. Tempered glass shatters into small pieces and Gundry believes one gunshot into the glass will make it easy for a gunman to enter the building. Critical Intervention Services estimates a gunman can get into a school in roughly nine seconds if confronted with tempered glass.”

Gundry also said, “One of the reasons tempered glass has historically been much more common in architectural design as well as indoor environments is because of the price. It is less than half the price typically of laminated glass,”.

School Safety Vulnerabilities - Window Retrofit Addresses Weakness 3While it is true that we see this specification in schools regularly, there is good news. This school safety vulnerability can be addressed by retrofitting existing tempered school glass with a security window film. When someone tries to gain access through the glass of a protected door or window, the security window film would allow the glass to break, but it would maintain the glass in the frame. While this film / glass combination can eventually be penetrated to gain access, the objective is to create resistance that slows the entry down. The goal is by slowing the entry down that will be giving school officials and local authorities time to respond to the threat.

If you would like more information or have any questions about how security window films can help address school security vulnerabilities, please contact us by calling (417) 823-8715 or fill out a form HERE. We would be happy to provide you with a free property assessment and estimate on retrofitting security window film in your Springfield, Missouri area school.

Energy Efficiency Addressed With Window Film - Experts Weigh In - Commercial Window Film & Tint in the Springfield, Missouri area

Energy Efficiency Addressed With Window Film – Experts Weigh In

By | Commercial
Energy Efficiency Claims and Real Information From The Experts

When it comes to commercial buildings, statistics and data from reputable sources like the U.S. Department of Energy and ENERGY STAR are alluded to quite frequently. And some of this information can be quite overwhelming. When you hear some of these energy efficiency facts, how do you decide to take action within your own building?

Here, we explain how high-performance, low-e window film can address the energy efficiency statistics and claims that exist in our industry.

Claim: Approximately one third of a building’s cooling costs can be attributed to solar heat gain through windows.

Source: U.S. Department of Energy

Energy Efficiency Addressed With Window Film - Experts Weigh In - Commercial Window Film & TintHow Window Film Helps: If buildings don’t have a way to reduce solar heat gain coming in through window glass, then cooling systems may be used more often to keep tenants and occupants comfortable. Using window film to reduce solar heat gain can make a big impact on cooling costs by helping to even out hot and cold spots, regulating temperatures near windows to improve thermal comfort, and reducing cooling requirements. Newer low-e films are designed to be spectrally selective, reducing a large portion of the sun’s infrared heat while allowing visible light to pass through.

Claim: HVAC systems account for roughly 41% of total commercial building electrical usage – almost double that of any other building system.

Source: Alliant Energy

How Window Film Helps: Reducing heating and cooling loads can lessen HVAC energy usage – and high-performance, low-e window film may help you accomplish this. After installation, you may notice reduced HVAC usage thanks to more controlled interior temperatures throughout the building. Another bonus? When you reduce loads, you also reduce stress on the system. The more often it runs, the faster the equipment may need repairs or replacement. When it runs less often, you can prolong the life of your HVAC system.

Claim: Energy costs represent 30% of a typical building’s annual budget and is the single largest operating cost.

Source: BOMA-Kingsley Quarterly/ENERGY STAR

How Window Film Helps: Operating costs include energy usage for HVAC, lighting, plug load, etc. And low-e window film can positively impact all of these factors. For example, uncontrolled daylight through window glass often causes tenants and occupants to shut blinds and shades. This may reduce the amount of natural daylight coming into the space, and place a higher demand on your electric lighting system. At the end of the month, you may notice higher utility bills if lighting has been turned on more often.

Claim: 80% of workers have trouble concentrating if the office temperature is higher than normal; nearly two-thirds say typical tasks may take up to 25% longer in warmer conditions.

Source: Cornell University

How Window Film Helps: As mentioned above, low-e window film can reduce plug loads – and here’s how. Unprotected glass can cause year-round indoor temperature fluctuations: warm temperatures in summer months due to solar heat gain, and cool temperatures in winter months due to thermal heat loss. If tenants or occupants are uncomfortable, they may resort to space heaters and fans to keep working environments at reasonable temperatures. As a result, your electricity bills go up. Installing low-e film may remove hot and cold spots, reduce solar heat gain and thermal loss, and allow tenants and occupants to keep blinds and shades open. When they are more comfortable and have access to natural light and views to the outdoors, workers may be more productive.

Claim: Inefficient windows are to blame for 25% to 35% of wasted energy in commercial buildings.

Source: U.S. Department of Energy

How Window Film Helps: The poor insulating characteristics of glass make windows one of the worst-performing components of your building envelope. Low-e window film can improve comfort levels and save energy by improving window insulating power by up to 92%. The right low-e window film provides single-pane windows with the same insulating performance as double-pane windows (and double-pane windows with the same insulating performance as triple-pane windows), significantly increasing the R-value of existing windows.This data was shared

Information Provided by Steve Debusk, Global Energy Solutions Manager from Eastman Chemical Company.

We hope this article enlightened you on some energy efficiency issues and how commercial window film can help. If you have any questions or would like to arrange for a free, no obligation consultation and quote, please contact Springfield Window Tinting today by calling (417) 823-8715 or fill out a form HERE. We are located in Springfield, Missouri and cover the surrounding area.

Sun Control Window Film Pros & Cons For Homes by Sciencing - Home Window Tinting in Springfield, Missouri

Sun Control Window Film Pros & Cons For Homes by Sciencing

By | Home

We came across an article in Sciencing Online Magazine about the pros and cons of a sun control window film for your home. We thought this article shared some interesting information and we wanted to summarize it here.

The article begins by defining what these films are and what they are typically used for. The author writes “Solar window films were designed to control problems, mostly excess heat and fading from ultraviolet light exposure, caused by direct sunlight through home or office windows. These films are considered “retrofit” products that alter existing after-market windows and circumvent the need for new, upgraded window units.”

Pros & Cons of Sun Control Window Film For Your Home

Pros of Home Window Films

The author discusses a variety of films that can be used for the home, but summarizes her findings as follows. These films “can absorb and reradiate long-wave infrared heat, improving heat retention in the winter and lowering energy costs. Others reflect heat to the outside, minimizing summer heat — reducing central air conditioning bills and prolonging the life of heating, ventilation and air conditioning units. The same films can reduce glare and block up to 99 percent of harmful UV radiation from entering a home or office. The newest solar films have the capacity to be clear instead of tinted and can block out as much as 55 percent of summer heat while retaining heat in winter.”

Cons of Home Window Films

Regarding the cons, the author paints a fair view of all films, but does distinguish between some films available for DIY application from the professional window films that we offer and install. She notes; “Some films may not provide the advertised benefits or may begin to peel after a few years — though a quality film, professionally installed, may last 12 to 22 years. A film with a dark tint may significantly affect the view for people inside the house, while a film with a shiny outer coat can give windows a dark or shiny external appearance — or make the glass appear colored due to reflection of some bands of visible light. Many homeowners associations prohibit such alterations in appearance. In addition, the application of window film voids some manufacturers’ warranties on windows, so check the details of any existing warranties before applying window film.”

It should be noted that professionally installed window films are checked specified to not create issues with the existing glass. In many cases, a window film manufacturers warranty can replace part or all of a window manufacturer’s warranty that might be voided if a film is applied.

Other Considerations

The author finishes up by listing some other considerations when considering a home window film. She mentions to “Choose a film that has been tested and certified by an independent third party. Third-party testing verifies that films meet health and safety standards — like fire safety, glass fragment protection and human impact safety — as well as energy performance standards. The National Fenestration Rating Council has certified more than 250 films for energy efficiency.”

We hope that this summary of the article was helpful if you. If you would like to check out the complete article, click HERE.

To learn more about these pros and cons and all of the other things a sun control window film can do for your home, click HERE. If you have any questions or would like to arrange for a free, no obligation consultation and quote, please contact Custom Shade today by calling (417) 823-8715 or fill out a form HERE. We are located in Springfield, Missouri and cover the surrounding area.

7 Reasons to Consider Commercial Decorative Glass Films - Decorative Window Film in Springfield, Missouri

Commercial Decorative Glass Films – 7 Reasons They Beat Custom Glass

By | Commercial

Considering a custom glass or decorative glass option for your commercial space? Whether aiming to add privacy, style or just looking for a change in decor, commercial decorative glass films are a cost effective solution.

These innovative films are very versatile and allow freedom in design. In addition, they can be customized to fulfill any requirement. Also, various films can be used to create the finished product, whether it is textured, patterned or colored film. Finally, they can be utilized to influence glass transparency as well as its light transmittance. Now, let’s take a look at some additional benefits.

7 Benefits of Commercial Decorative Glass Films for Your Space

 Seven Reasons to Consider Commercial Decorative Glass Films

  • Nearly Unlimited Options – Custom glass panels are expensive and have limitations. Using stock or custom decorative films enable you to achieve nearly unlimited options at a fraction of the cost of custom glass.
  • Add Privacy – Decorative glass film can be used to add privacy to any space with a window or glass partition.
  • Improve The Appearance of Glass Panel – Decorative glass film transform plain glass into a integrated design element in the space.
  • Saves Money – Decorative glass film allows the desired look at a fraction of the cost of custom glass. In addition, they are easily removable if space needs or requirements ever change. In contrast, custom glass would require the panel to be changed out.
  • Integrate Branding Element – Decorative glass films enable the integration of company or product branding on windows or glass panels.
  • Creates Visual Break in Space – Decorative glass film allows you to create a visual break on a glass panel that stops the line of sight or registers a differentiation in spaces.
  • Ease of Maintenance – The texture of custom glass make it difficult to keep clean as oils and dirt become lodged in the textured surface. Decorative glass film can be wiped clean easily. This helps keep the design looking as great as the day it was installed.

If you would like more information on all of the terrific options available with commercial decorative glass films, click HERE. If you have questions or would like to discuss further, call us at (417) 823-8715 or fill out a form HERE. We would be happy to arrange a free, no obligation consultation and discuss implementing these films in Springfield, Missouri area spaces.

Vehicle Window Tint Guide - Don't Be Fooled. It's Not All The Same - Automotive Window Tint Information in Springfield, Missouri

Vehicle Window Tint Guide – Don’t Be Fooled. It’s Not All The Same.

By | Automotive

All window tint used on vehicles is the same, right? Actually no, nothing could be further from the truth. We wanted to share this Vehicle Window Tint Guide guide to help you better understand vehicle window film so you can make an informed decision the next time you have a vehicle tinted.

Vehicle Window Tint Guide

If you’re like most people, you probably assume all vehicle window tint is the same. Sure, it comes in different shades of darkness, and maybe even varying levels of reflectivity, but it’s basically all the same, right? Actually, no. The truth is that the world’s ever-advancing technology has created significant differences that are important for you to understand before getting window tint put on your next vehicle.

Let’s begin this vehicle window tint guide with a little history of the evolution of automotive window tint. At one time, and not that long ago, vehicle window tint fell primarily into two simple categories; basic dyed polyester window film and window films with a metalized layer.

First, you had the basic dyed polyester film. This was typically inexpensive and just gave your windows the tinted appearance you were looking for without much in the way of performance. These dyed films often had a limited lifespan. Typically, they would begin turning purple after three to five years of sun exposure. We are sure you have noticed examples of this type of film driving around. Many times, this film looked great the day it was installed and then slowly faded to the undesirable purple.

Vehicle Window Tint Guide by Window Film ProsThe other vehicle tint option was metalized film that integrated a layer of metal to the dyed polyester. This gave the tinted look while providing some heat rejection. These films cost more than the dyed films and were considered the upgrade option in most shops. The performance was better and the film lasted longer because of the metal layer. The downside to these metal films was that they had more reflectivity (because of the metal layer) and they could interfere with the vehicle’s electronics and antenna systems. In addition, the sheen caused by the metal layer often caused these films to not offer a great match to factory tinted glass on SUVs, trucks and minivans.

Unfortunately, for many years, these were the only two window tint options someone had when wanting to get their vehicle’s windows tinted. The supposed “good” dyed film and the “better” option of metalized film. Neither was truly ideal.

Well, we are happy to say that those days are long gone! In 2022, you have a variety of new, high tech options. These films do not turn purple, are not reflective and they can reject a significant amount of heat without being dark. These new films are light years ahead of historic vehicle window film and should be at the front of your mind when you’re looking to have your next vehicle tinted.

Unlike traditional window tint that needs to be darker or metallic to achieve any real significant performance, these new films block the heat through infrared blocking technology. This enables them to even be nearly clear and still block a significant amount of heat.

Another important note is that these films create a protective barrier from the sun’s damaging UV rays for both your skin and the cabin of the vehicle. Studies show the incidence of skin cancer among passengers corresponds directly with the side of their body exposed to the window. For example, a driver in North America tends to have a higher rate of skin cancer on their left side, the one exposed to the sun while driving. Many modern window films are recommended by The Skin Cancer Foundation as an effective protection from the sun. Click HERE to read more.

So, as you can see, not all vehicle tint is created equal. Understand the film technology they use so you can make an informed decision for your car and more importantly for yourself. Often, if you just ask to have your vehicle tinted a specific shade, a shop may use a basic dyed film to give you the look requested. This may give you the look you want, but you may miss out on the performance you could have had. Also, you should check your local tint laws to see what shade is legal in your state by clicking HERE.

Hopefully the information in the vehicle window tint guide helps you the next time you have window tint installed. If you would like more information, or have questions on the information contained in this vehicle window tint guide, we would love to help. We would be happy to answer any questions you might have and give you all the pertinent information about the window films we carry. You can learn more by contacting us at (417) 823-8715 or filling out a form here. We are your premier source for automotive window tint in the Springfield, Missouri area.

Residential Window Films Help Save Money On Summer AC Bills - Home Window Tinting in the Springfield, Missouri area

Residential Window Films Help Save Money On Summer AC Bills

By | Home

Memorial Day is behind us and the hot days of summer will be here before we know it. For many of us, the warm summer weather is something we look forward to all year long. However, it often also brings higher energy bills as we use our air conditioning to keep our home cooler and more comfortable. When you combine this with the climbing costs of energy, it can get very expensive to have a comfortable home this summer. To help combat this, we wanted to share some ways that residential window films, retrofitted to your existing home windows, can help you save on energy costs this summer season. These films can help reduce the load on your air conditioning system. This saves you money not only on the energy needed but also HVAC system maintenance needed from increased use.

The first thing you may be wondering is how these films can lower your utility bill by reducing the load on your air conditioning system. The simple explanation is that window film installed on the interior surface of your existing windows will reduce the amount of the sun’s heat coming into your home through the glass. By stopping a portion of the heat from entering at the window, your home does not get as warm and the AC system does not need to work as hard to keep interior temperatures comfortable. This reduction in work by your AC unit saves you on energy costs by reducing your usage at the best time of the day as many utility companies charge a premium at peak hours.

For example, on a hot summer day your air conditioning system might be struggling just to keep up with the demand to keep your home comfortable. Unfortunately, this demand for air conditioning is also happening all throughout your area at the same time. This spike in demand for energy allows the utility company to charge a premium on the energy you use during this period.

The good news is that residential window films are reducing the heat making its way into your home through the windows during these peak hours. This reduction allows your air conditioning to not work as hard, and use as less energy to keep your home comfortable during these peak hours.

In addition, as a side benefit, the home’s air conditioning system will not need to run as often to keep up with demand. Not only does this save you money on energy costs as mentioned above, but will also reduce you system maintenance costs from wear and tear from extended use on the AC system. Your air conditioning unit consists of numerous components that each have an effective service life.

The longer, and harder, a unit is forced to run, the faster these parts will wear out and need replaced. Furthermore, as parts degrade they often do not work as efficiently as they did when new. The resulting system inefficiency translates into more energy being needed to get the same results in home cooling.

We hope is that this brief article shed some light on how residential window films can help save you money on home energy costs and system maintenance not only this summer, but for many years to come. If you would like more information about these innovative home window films and how they can be retrofitted onto your home’s existing windows, click HERE. If you have questions about our services, call us at (417) 823-8715 or fill out a form HERE. We would be happy to provide a free, no obligation consultation and estimate of implementing a window film solution in your Springfield, Missouri area home before Summer.

Window Tint & Window Film Benefits and Their Differences - Window Tinting and Window Film in Springfield, Missouri

Window Tint & Window Film Benefits and Their Differences

By | Commercial, Home

Ever had to squint your eyes from bright glare or struggle to maintain a comfortable temperature in a sunny room? How about wanting some additional privacy or security from a glass surface? If so, you may have thought about a product that might be applied to your windows to solve this issue. However, if you do even a quick Google search, you may end up more confused. What’s the difference between “window tint” and “window film” for your windows, and which is the right product to solve your issue? This article was written to help clear up this confusion and understand window tint and window film benefits and differences and whether one might be a good solution for you.

Window Tint vs Window Film

First, it is understandable that you might be confused. Even within the industry, these terms are often used interchangeably. However, newer technology actually dictates that it makes sense to differentiate between a “window tint” and a “window film”. Both window films and window tint are an alteration of existing windows and are applied to the window in place in the home or commercial space. There are a huge variety of these applied films. Some can be used to change the color or visible light transmission through the glass. We would typically refer to these as a window tint because they, to varying degrees, darken the glass to which they are applied. However, there are many other films that offer other benefits that do not entail darkening the glass at all. We would refer to these other products as window films.
So, depending on your needs, tastes and requirements, you might utilize a window tint or a window film. The proper thing to focus on would be the benefits these films provide. Once you determine what you need to accomplish, the proper product can be selected. Below you will find some of the more prominent benefits of window film and window tint.

Primary Benefits of Window Film / Window Tint
  • Reduce Glare – Applying tint to your home or commercial windows can result in blocking significant amount of the sun’s glare from passing through the glass.
  • Protect Furnishings – The sun’s UV rays penetrate through windows of your space. With prolonged exposure, furnishings, carpet, rugs and upholstery can become faded and damaged. Window films and window tint offers a great solution for fading issue as it typically blocks 99% of the UV while still allowing you to enjoy your windows.
  • Energy Savings – Window film and tint can act as a window insulator keeping heat out in the Summer and retaining heat in the Winter. This can help decrease utility bills by reducing how hard heating and air conditioning systems need to work to keep the space comfortable.
  • Increase Privacy – Window films can be used strategically throughout a space to offer additional privacy, add decor, integrate company branding or create visual breaks on any glass surfaces.
  • Enhance Safety – Accidents happen and a window can be broken. When this happens with a typical window, the glass breaks in a way that can be dangerous. Safety window films can keep the broken glass in place and reduce the danger.
  • Improve Security Security window films exists that can provide some of the other benefits listed and make uninvited entry into the space more difficult. This makes these types of films a perfect compliment to a security system.
  • Affordable Alternative to Window Replacement – At some point nearly any window may need to be replaced, but by using window films you may be able to significantly extend the useful life of existing windows while achieving the benefits you desire. Having a professionally installed tint or film applied is much less costly and far less disruptive to your space than window replacement.

If you would like more information or have any questions about window tint and window film benefits or their differences, contact us by calling (417) 823-8715 or fill out a form HERE. We are located in Springfield, Missouri and service the surrounding area. We look forward to serving any window film needs you may have.