

Does Automotive Tint Really Reduce Heat Inside The Car? - Automotive Window Tint in Springfield, Missouri

Does Automotive Tint Really Reduce Heat Inside The Car?

By | Automotive

A recent post on Verify This online asked the question does automotive tint really reduce the heat inside your car.

They start the article by saying “Every car owner knows a hot day can feel even worse when you climb into a car that’s been sitting outside. Interior car temperatures can reach well over 100 degrees after just an hour of sitting in the summer heat. People try all kinds of things to keep their cars a little cooler while they’re out in the sun, including adding extra tinting to their car’s windows. Dark windows may increase your privacy, but do they actually cool the interior too?”

The article shares a video that helps to answer this question.

The article goes on to state that “For decades, studies have found tinted windows can help reduce a car’s internal temperature by at least a few degrees. The studies have shown that you don’t have to tint all of your windows to see a decline in your car’s interior temperature.”

With the Summer heat arriving, we wanted to share this and we hope you found this information about how automotive window tint reduces heat inside your car helpful. We offer free quotes for adding window tint to your particular vehicle and can discuss the various types of tint available and their heat reducing capability.

If you have questions about our window tinting services, contact us by calling (417) 823-8715. We are your premier source for automotive tint in the Springfield, Missouri area.

Car Window Tint - Frequently Asked Questions and Answers - Automotive Window Tinting in Springfield, Missouri

Car Window Tint FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

By | Automotive

As we interact with clients, we often get asked the same or very similar questions about car window tint. As a result, to help answer some of those questions, we thought we would create this post with car window tint FAQ along with the answers.

Car Window Tint FAQ

  1. How long will window tint last? – Most modern window films come with a lifetime warranty and you should reasonably expect them to last the entire period of expected ownership.
  2. I have seen window tint turn purple. Will that happen? – Many window films that you may have seen turn purple are based on older technology. It should be noted that window films come in a variety of differing qualities and you should ask the company installing what brand and quality of film they are using on your vehicle for the price quoted. Most newer, quality films will not turn purple during normal ownership and many are warranted against color change.
  3. What about bubbling? I have noticed cars with film bubbling off the windows. What causes that and will that happen with my car? – What you are likely seeing is the result of an adhesive failure of the film. This can be caused by either a film failure or the use of glass cleaners not recommended for window films. These usually contain ammonia, which can be prevalent in glass cleaners, and this chemical will break down the adhesive over time. It is best to only clean aftermarket tinted windows with ammonia free glass cleaners.
  4. Do different levels window tint really have different performance? – Yes. You can get everything from a window film that gives you the look you want but blocks very little heat, to a window film that is barely noticeable on the glass that blocks a great deal of heat. Give us a call or stop in and we can discuss real-world performance differences for the varying levels of window film we offer.
  5. What are the window tint laws in our area? – Window tint laws vary from state to state. Click HERE and this link will give you information about tint laws in all 50 States and Canada.

We hope that this brief article answered some car window tint FAQ you might have about car window tint. If you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment, you can reach us directly by calling (417) 823-8715.

Car Window Tint Information Discussed by Kelley Blue Book - Automotive Window Tinting in Springfield, Missouri

Car Window Tint Information Key Elements From Kelley Blue Book

By | Automotive

Trusted resource Kelley Blue Book recently published a post on automotive window tint entitled “7 Things to Know About Car Window Tinting“. The article introduces this car window tint information by saying “Car window tinting can give a stylish look to your ride and improve visibility by reducing glare. Fans of tinted windows say the darkened glass slows fading of interior surfaces due to sunlight exposure. They also say tinting helps keep the temperature inside a car cooler. Tinted car windows also bring an additional layer of privacy and security because it is more difficult to see inside the automobile. In some cases, medical conditions may require a car owner to have tinted windows.”

The first thing the article dives into is answering the question “What is Window Tint?”. The article states that “Aftermarket window tinting is a method of applying a thin film to the interior surface of a vehicle’s windows. This material is designed to darken a car’s windows to block UV light and reduce glare from the sun and headlights.

Car window tint film is available in a variety of materials and shades. A standard performance measurement used for car window tinting is visible light transmission. A darker shade of car tinting has a lower percentage of light transmission. The tint affects how much light gets into the car and plays a part in reducing glare and how well a driver can see.”

The next thing that the article explains is the laws related to window tint. The article explains “State laws regulate the level of darkness permitted for auto glass tinting. Window tint laws are created as a safety issue for drivers to see other vehicles better when driving and for law enforcement officers as they approach a car.

When determining how much to tint windows, you must check your state’s department of motor vehicles to learn about the regulations, such as the legal light transmission levels. Once you determine the levels allowed, you can choose the appropriate window tint film for your car. State laws specify the level of tint allowed for each window of passenger vehicles. All states have restrictions on tinting applied to front windshields.”

You can learn about the automotive window film laws in your area by clicking HERE

The article finishes by discussing the different variety of films available. Window films do much more than just tint your glass; they can block 99% of UV rays, significantly reduce heat and cut irritating glare. The level of window film selected makes a difference in how it will perform. We would be happy to discuss these different options, the pros and cons of each with you and help you determine what might be the best fit for your needs and budget.

We hope that this article provided you with car window tint information you can use to make a great decision for your vehicle. If you have questions about our services, contact us at (417) 823-8715. We are your premier source for automotive window tint in the Springfield, Missouri area.

Clean Automotive Tinted Windows Properly To Avoid Damage in Springfield, Missouri

Clean Automotive Tinted Windows Properly To Avoid Damage

By | Automotive

One of the most common questions we are asked regarding window tint is the proper way to care for and clean automotive tinted windows. As a result, we wanted to write a brief article that explains the do’s and dont’s of tint care.

To begin, let’s discuss a bit about window film construction and how it adheres to the glass. As you likely know, window tint is installed on the inside surface of the glass. The construction of tint is such that once installed the outermost surface is a durable scratch resistant coating. This is what allows film tint to slide up and down in a properly adjusted roll down window channel for years without getting scratched. Although this surface is durable, it is not indestructible. Also, the window tint is adhered to the glass with a thin, optically clear pressure sensitive adhesive. Once cured, this bond should last for many years without fail. Now that we understand a bit about how the film is constructed and how it is adhering to the glass, let’s get into how to properly care for it to ensure long life.

Is Any Glass Cleaner OK?

In short, no. The type of adhesive that I mentioned is used to adhere the film to the glass and it creates a mechanical bond between the film and the glass. Certain chemicals can degrade this mechanical bond and cause the window tint to bubble or peel. Many times you may see a window film job that has a bunch of large bubbles and think that it was a bad tint or a bad tint job. While it may have been either of those things, it could also have been a quality tint that was installed properly that was cleaned using the wrong type of cleaner. There are so many cleaners on the market that we cannot possibly discuss each one individually, but the main thing to look for is an AMMONIA FREE Glass Cleaner. Ammonia is one of the main culprits in glass cleaners that attacks the mechanical bond of the adhesive. It will creep under the film and cause a mechanical failure breakdown between the glass and film and that is what causes the bubbles you have likely seen. Many companies make ammonia free glass cleaners, just be sure to read the label. If it does not expressly say that it is “ammonia free”, assume it has ammonia and find another cleaner to use.

What Should I Use to Wipe the Windows Down?

You want to avoid using a standard paper towel to wipe down the tint as you clean. While this is OK for other surfaces, paper towels can trap a piece of dirt between the towel and film and cause scratches. This happens because there is nowhere for the dirt particle to absorb into the paper towel, so it just gets dragged across the film surface as you wipe the window down.

The best thing to use is a soft microfiber towel. These towels absorb more solution and allow a dirt particle to sink into the fibers and away from the film surface while cleaning. Not only will these towels give you a better, steak free cleaning, they will help you avoid scratches.

Is There Anything Else?

Actually, yes. One more thing to keep an eye on is the sudden appearance of small scratches in the film going from the top to the bottom of the window. This indicates that the window guide inside the door is either out of adjustment or had dirt trapped on it’s surface. If you notice these scratches, stop using that window and get the vehicle to a mechanic to check the adjustment and guide surface. Continued use without getting this resolved will cause these scratches to get worse and the only fix will be to replace the window film.

If you have any additional questions how to properly care for and clean automotive tinted windows, contact us at (417) 823-8715. We are your premier source for automotive window tint in the Springfield, Missouri area.

Factory Vehicle Tint Doesn't Offer Performance or Protection - Automotive Window Tinting in Springfield, Missouri

Factory Vehicle Tint Doesn’t Offer Performance or Protection

By | Automotive

If you’re driving a truck, SUV or wagon built in the last decade, the chances are it’s equipped with factory vehicle tint on all windows behind the front doors. In addition, many of these vehicles come equipped with large sunroofs or multiple sunroofs like seen in the picture above. Many owners of vehicles like this often choose to only have the front windows tinted to match these back glass panels because they believe that they are already set with the rear windows having factory tint.

However, while this factory specified vehicle tint improves the looks of the vehicle and offers rear passengers some privacy, it does very little to help reduce excessive heat entering through the glass or protecting rear passengers from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Here are two reasons you might want to consider a professionally installed window film on all windows, including the glass that came with factory tint.

2 Benefits of Professionally Applied Window Film Versus Factory Vehicle Tint

Superior Heat Rejection

While a darkened piece of factory vehicle tint may slightly reduce the heat from entering the vehicle, it cannot compare to the heat rejection possible utilizing the modern window film technology. As mentioned above, factory tinted glass is primarily installed for looks and privacy. Many vehicle owners have the front windows tinted to match the rear and provide some heat rejection in the front seats. However, they may assume that the level of heat rejection they now have on the front glass is already present in the rear glass because of the factory vehicle tint. Actually, nothing can be further from the truth. Other than having the “tinted” look, these windows do very little to stop the heat from entering the vehicle.

So, what can be done? You may not want to apply additional window tint on the rear windows for increased heat rejection as the windows are dark enough already with factory tint. There is good news. These windows can be made to perform much better at rejecting heat with newer technology window films without making them noticeably darker than the factory tint already present. Combining these films on factory tinted windows with the window film installed on the front windows will make the vehicle interior much cooler and even possibly reduce the need to run air conditioning as often. So, not only will your passengers be more comfortable, you may even save a little at the gas pump by less frequent AC use.

Skin Protection From Harmful UV Rays

Did you know that your skin is susceptible to sun damage even while simply traveling in your car? What you may not know is that factory tinted automotive glass does very little to block the sun’s harmful UV rays. While most of us would not think of spending significant time in the sun without some form of skin protection, we often ride for hours inside a vehicle with the false impression that we are protected.

A study in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology revealed that nearly 53% of skin cancers in the US occur on the left, or drivers’ side of the body. If you’re one of the approximately 208 million licensed drivers in the US, take heed: “The increase in left-sided skin cancers may be from the UV (ultraviolet) exposure we get when driving a car,” said Susan T. Butler, MD, coauthor of the study.

This is one of the reasons why The Skin Cancer Foundation gives many professionally installed window films their Seal of Recommendation that is a symbol of safe and effective sun protection. You can learn more from The Skin Cancer Foundation about sun safety and the advantages of using a window film on your car by clicking HERE.

Hopefully the information will enable you to make an educated choice about having window film installed on your entire vehicle. We should also note, please make sure to check tint laws to understand what window films are legal. You can see the complete list by clicking HERE.

If you would like more information regarding the information contained in this article or the window tinting products we offer, click HERE. If you have questions about our services, contact us at (417) 823-8715. We are your premier source for automotive window tint in the Springfield, Missouri area.

Car Tinting Provides 5 Important Benefits For Whatever You Drive - Automotive Window Tinting in Springfield, Missouri

Car Tinting Provides 5 Important Benefits For Whatever You Drive

By | Automotive

We recently came across an article in Times Square Chronicles called “5 Important Benefits of Car Tint“. Most people consider window tint because they like the appearance of tinted windows. However, there are 5 additional benefits of car tinting most people do not think about, so we wanted to summarize them below.

5 Car Tinting Benefits
    • Increase Privacy & Security – Vehicle window tint comes in various light transmission ranges to provide the top level of privacy to you and your passengers on the road. At the same time, it provides the security from the thieves looking to rob valuables from vehicles. It prevents them from seeing your belongings in the parking lot and other areas where cars stay for a longer period of time.
    • Reduces UV Ray Exposure – UV rays can damage your skin and increases the chances of skin cancer. It can also lead to the myriad of health problems such as sunburn, premature aging, damage to skin, suppression of immune system, etc. Vehicle window tint can help with this by preventing 99% of UV rays from entering the vehicle to damage your skin.
    • Keep Vehicle Interiors Cool & Comfortable – When the sun beats down through your vehicle’s windows, it can heat the interior of your automobile quickly. On a 70 degree day, the temperature inside your vehicle can easily rise to over 100 degrees in a brief period of time. Automobile window tint can noticeably reduce this heat entering through the glass. In fact, automotive window tint can lessen heat coming through the glass by as much as 70 percent! The result will be that you can be more comfortable every time you get into your vehicle and you may even reduce your gas consumption as a result of using the air conditioning less frequently. In addition, window tinting also reduces glare to lessen eye fatigue from direct sun rays and shiny headlights at night.
    • Shattered Glass Prevention & Protection – There are numerous benefits for the car tinting which you might not have considered. Window film is designed in such a way that if the glass shatters, it will keep it in one piece rather than many individual shards. In an accident, not having broken flying shards of glass flying through the vehicle can help prevent injuries.
    • Sun Damage Protection of Interiors – As mentioned above, tinting windows typically rejects 99% of the sun’s UV rays and heat. This protection from the sun helps protect vehicle interiors from fading, cracks and warping of interior surfaces to keep your automobiles looking newer longer.

We hope this article gave you some additional reasons other than improved looks to consider car tinting. If you would like more information, click HERE. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, you can reach us directly by calling (417) 823-8715. We would be happy to discuss your options and provide you with a free, no obligation assessment and quotation on your particular vehicle. We are located in Springfield, Missouri and are the #1 source for vehicle window tinting in the Springfield, Missouri area.

Vehicle Window Tint Guide - Don't Be Fooled. It's Not All The Same - Automotive Window Tint Information in Springfield, Missouri

Vehicle Window Tint Guide – Don’t Be Fooled. It’s Not All The Same.

By | Automotive

All window tint used on vehicles is the same, right? Actually no, nothing could be further from the truth. We wanted to share this Vehicle Window Tint Guide guide to help you better understand vehicle window film so you can make an informed decision the next time you have a vehicle tinted.

Vehicle Window Tint Guide

If you’re like most people, you probably assume all vehicle window tint is the same. Sure, it comes in different shades of darkness, and maybe even varying levels of reflectivity, but it’s basically all the same, right? Actually, no. The truth is that the world’s ever-advancing technology has created significant differences that are important for you to understand before getting window tint put on your next vehicle.

Let’s begin this vehicle window tint guide with a little history of the evolution of automotive window tint. At one time, and not that long ago, vehicle window tint fell primarily into two simple categories; basic dyed polyester window film and window films with a metalized layer.

First, you had the basic dyed polyester film. This was typically inexpensive and just gave your windows the tinted appearance you were looking for without much in the way of performance. These dyed films often had a limited lifespan. Typically, they would begin turning purple after three to five years of sun exposure. We are sure you have noticed examples of this type of film driving around. Many times, this film looked great the day it was installed and then slowly faded to the undesirable purple.

Vehicle Window Tint Guide by Window Film ProsThe other vehicle tint option was metalized film that integrated a layer of metal to the dyed polyester. This gave the tinted look while providing some heat rejection. These films cost more than the dyed films and were considered the upgrade option in most shops. The performance was better and the film lasted longer because of the metal layer. The downside to these metal films was that they had more reflectivity (because of the metal layer) and they could interfere with the vehicle’s electronics and antenna systems. In addition, the sheen caused by the metal layer often caused these films to not offer a great match to factory tinted glass on SUVs, trucks and minivans.

Unfortunately, for many years, these were the only two window tint options someone had when wanting to get their vehicle’s windows tinted. The supposed “good” dyed film and the “better” option of metalized film. Neither was truly ideal.

Well, we are happy to say that those days are long gone! In 2022, you have a variety of new, high tech options. These films do not turn purple, are not reflective and they can reject a significant amount of heat without being dark. These new films are light years ahead of historic vehicle window film and should be at the front of your mind when you’re looking to have your next vehicle tinted.

Unlike traditional window tint that needs to be darker or metallic to achieve any real significant performance, these new films block the heat through infrared blocking technology. This enables them to even be nearly clear and still block a significant amount of heat.

Another important note is that these films create a protective barrier from the sun’s damaging UV rays for both your skin and the cabin of the vehicle. Studies show the incidence of skin cancer among passengers corresponds directly with the side of their body exposed to the window. For example, a driver in North America tends to have a higher rate of skin cancer on their left side, the one exposed to the sun while driving. Many modern window films are recommended by The Skin Cancer Foundation as an effective protection from the sun. Click HERE to read more.

So, as you can see, not all vehicle tint is created equal. Understand the film technology they use so you can make an informed decision for your car and more importantly for yourself. Often, if you just ask to have your vehicle tinted a specific shade, a shop may use a basic dyed film to give you the look requested. This may give you the look you want, but you may miss out on the performance you could have had. Also, you should check your local tint laws to see what shade is legal in your state by clicking HERE.

Hopefully the information in the vehicle window tint guide helps you the next time you have window tint installed. If you would like more information, or have questions on the information contained in this vehicle window tint guide, we would love to help. We would be happy to answer any questions you might have and give you all the pertinent information about the window films we carry. You can learn more by contacting us at (417) 823-8715 or filling out a form here. We are your premier source for automotive window tint in the Springfield, Missouri area.

Quality Car Tint vs Cheap Tint - What's The Real Difference? - Automotive Window Tint in Springfield, Missouri

Quality Car Tint vs Cheap Tint – What’s The Real Difference?

By | Automotive

Is there any real difference between quality car tint and the cheap stuff? The prices of a vehicle tint job vary widely, but is there really that much difference in the tint being used? This article aims to look into the different types of automotive tint and why some are more expensive that others.

Before we begin looking into the differing window tint types available, let’s define some of the main benefits of a car window tint. We can then discuss how the benefits cary with different levels of tint. For the sake of this article, we will only look at professionally installed window tint and not DIY products.

4 Primary Benefits Possible With Automotive Window Tint
  • Improved or changed appearance of the vehicle.
  • Reduced solar heat entering interior of vehicle.
  • Reduced glare through windows.
  • Reduced UV rays passing through the glass.
Quality Car Tint vs Cheap Tint - What's The Real Difference? 24 General Types of Vehicle Window Tint Along With Associated Costs
  • Basic Dyed Automotive Window Tint – This is the least expensive form of car tint. As it related to the benefits above, these films are primarily to change the looks of the vehicle as desired, glare reduction and often come with very good UV rejection. However, this level of tint does very little to reject solar heat. On the downside, these films are often not warranted against color change and may not have a lifetime warranty to the original purchaser. This level of tint will usually be the entry level offered at most professional shops.
  • Premium Dyed / Carbon Automotive Window Tint – This is the first step up from basic dyed tint. The costs is usually a step up from entry level. In addition to often having better quality levels of base polyester and scratch resistance, these films also typically offer better solar heat rejection than a basic dyed film. Also, these films are typically more color stable which means they will not fade or change color over time like many basic dyed films might. These films normally carry a lifetime warranty against color change or any other defect for the original purchaser.
  • Metal or Metal Hybrid Automotive Window Tint – As the name suggests, these films often utilize a metal layer in the construction. This is done to give the film a much higher solar heat rejection than possible with a dyed only film. These films are often very color stable and come with lifetime warranties. The potential negatives of these films are that they can have a slightly reflective look which some dislike. In addition, the metal layer can interfere with reception with certain electronic systems. These films are often priced slightly higher than premium carbon based films.
  • Nano-Ceramic or Ceramic Automotive Window Tint – Think of this as the best of all worlds. These films are at the top of the price structure and for good reason. They have great, non-reflective factory tinted appearance and very high heat rejection with no metal. The heat rejection comes from the technology of the ceramic construction and often is not dependent on the darkness of the tint to have higher heat rejection. This allows the user to choose everything from very light ti darker films and still get great solar heat rejection. Using a lighter window tint can be based on owner tastes or local window tint laws. In addition, because no metal is used, these films do not cause any interference with electronic systems.

If you would like more information on the quality car window tint products we offer, we would love to help. We can discuss the various options and assist you in making a great choice for your vehicle. Contact us today by calling (417) 823-8715. We look forward to serving you from our Springfield, Missouri locations.